
We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx

(pardon my language.)

Dude. Rush is the shit. I don't care what anyone says. I recently popped in my 2112 cassette and jammed that shit out. It's a great experience. You don't have to to worry about shit, and it just plays the whole side for you so you can just sit back and jam to that shit.

Which brings me to a good rant. Music's become all computerized in the past decade and taken all the ritual out of music listening. 30 years back you got this giant dinner plate sized vinyl that would shatter if dropped and such. This made music so much more physically valuable because it was much more fragile. Vinyl wears out. You put that needle down and it brings every pop and snap into your speakers and eardrums.

Now you click on your ipod and play one song off an album and are completly without the cover art. What kinda bullshit is that? I mean seriously, no one even cares about what's on the album cover anymore. It used to be like a piece of art you'd wanna hang on your wall, or atleast some kinda statement.

Now any hard rock album cover you see is like skulls and features this uninventive middle aged obsession with trying to look like a biker. Unfortunatly a good portion of my generation doesn't understand jack shit about any of this and listens to Nickleback, and sputters forth sentance fragments like LOL or WHATS A DEEP PURPLE? OMGz.

God i hate Iowa..



So the past few days i've been pretty much outta it. Didn't even wanna go to school today. So i had a Ferris day and took cough medicine. So after listening to music as loud as I want for 2 hours I look for something better to do. After I found that something, I ate all the cheese pizza in the freezer and proceeded to watch horror movies.

The lovely people at the Kirkwood channel who probably do these same things crank out some awesome B-rate horror movies between re-runs of Cowboy Showcase and I Married Jane. The fifties re-runs are boring and I hate them, but the rest of it is great grindhouse B-rate horror flicks from the golden era of horror movies.

Sunday night, I watched Track of the Vampire, The Terror, and fell asleep during Crypt of Horror. Of the three Track of the Vampire was the best, it was about some Artist named Sordi, who would capture his victims in his paintings. He came from a long line of vampire/artists who did this. His ancestor was burnt at stake for sorcery as he captured the soul of his mistress in his best work, which was also destroyed. For some reason he would revert back into the vampire and slay hot 60's babes and then paint his work and throw them in a vat of boiling plaster. He'd keep his statues around his lofty dungeon in a bell tower. In the end they turn on him and stop him from creating his masterwork of his true love.

Today I watched I Eat Your Skin, and The Brain That Wouldn't Die. Along with these i flipped around to find another great cheese film called Road Warrior. It's the sequel to Mad Max and shows what happens in times of extereme foregin oil dependancy. I Eat Your Skin was the only one to really write home about. The rest of it was pretty dull. The down side to watching all these B-rate flicks is that you always get pleanty of duds. The ending of Brain featured a crazy reanimated womens head and some guy with three eyes and mutations smashing the doctor and killing everyone. Road Warrior features Mel Gibson in his forte, a douchebag fighting other...You guessed it, Road Warriors. Everyone wears one shoulder pad and has a mohawk and are after "the precious juice" which turns out to just be an oil tanker full of sand. There I just saved you 2 hours of lame action flick. The only upside to this film is watching a cave boy throw a boomerang into a guys skull and seeing the occasional set of tits.

Currently listneing to Pandora Radio:
For Madmen Only - May Blitz
Lord of This World - Black Sabbath
Baby Please don't Go - Budgie
Happening To Me And You - Mouse


Alright for all you classic rock fans, I bet most of you started diggin on Wolfmother when they came out a few years back. They had quite the classical sound but, were unfortunatly over hyped and fell apart after only a few releases.

Well theres another great band out by the name of Witchcraft. They have a Led Zeppelin kinda feel and definatly have recreated authentic 70's hippie rock. I've been listening to some of their stuff recently, and I'd say if you liked Wolfmother you'll like these guys. They're a bit less keyboard, but much cooler in my opinion. They've done Ozzfest and stuff, but still kinda kept under the radar. They're on the same label [Rise Above Records] as Electric Wizard and many other great stoner rock kinda groups. Check out the label and this band.

Currently Jammin to: Wooden Cross - Witchcraft

Keep rockin!


A Blog on BLOGGING?!

Such insanity. Personally I'd say Blogging is a kickass way to have homework. Mostly because my handwriting looks as if I went epileptic and started writing in lost germanic tounges. I hate writing in notebooks too because all the pages fall out and you end up with this crumbled pile of weird scribbles and some half gnawed cardboard thing after being in your bag for a few months. I don't really give a shit about having to write because I always bend it into something I actually give a shit about, which is exactly what this class is.

I mean when you think about it, It's kinda like being on a stage. Your thoughts/music/pictures/whatever can just kinda get tossed up there for everyone to jam to and groove on. Ofcourse there has to be naysaying whiny bitches, like some people who are complaining "OMGZ I HAVE TO TYPE WORDZ WTF LOLCOSTER?" Well they're just retarded. Perspectives has probably been the coolest class i've taken next to AP Art in my entire school career, because it's like getting a grade for doing shit I already do: Surf the web and bitch my opinions about it. It gives teh INTERNETS more purpose then being a portal of porn and retarded Youtube scream videos.

Well this is where I end my post.. It's hotter then a whore in church in the computer labs.



P.S. Currently Rockin to: Future Tense - Sanctuary.
Post 80's Power Metal at its finest :D


Planet Terror!

I was recently chillin watching TV and while surfing the movie listings on my digital cable i see the words "Grindhouse: Planet Terror". Who could pass up something that awesome sounding? So I started watching, It had just started, and of course ZOMBIES come out of nowhere and start killin stuff. So I'm totally hooked because Zombies are awesome. Then theres this dude named El Wray who comes in all guns blazing. Tons of action in this flick for sure. I'd say more but I don't want to ruin the suppose plot line for those who havn't seen it. :P

So this movie is supposed to pay homage to old horror flicks of the 70's and 80's that inspired Robert Rodriguez. I'm an old b-rate horror movie junkie from time to time, so this really peaked my interest. The film also has false intros of "Upcoming Features" with names like "Don't" and "Werewolf Women of the SS". There's a supposed rumor that they're making the one called "Machette". which I've always liked old "Grindhouse" or "Exploitation" movies because they're usually still spooky and from time to time unintentionally funny. Not to mention crazy random violence torwards radioactive zombies is always good in a movie.

This film had all the charm of it's predecessors, and a really hot chick with a M16 for a leg who rides motorcylces. How could anyone not like that? Originally they released this movie with another called "Death Proof" in a double feature. Death Proof was directed by Quentin Tarantino, and is more like Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry with a few horror elements tossed in [It still doesn't top a hot chick with an M16 for a leg in my book].

Without ruining anything, I highly reccomend this film because it kicks ass in all ways.

Grindhouse: Double Feature Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0AaVUs3-Pw
Grindhouse: Fake Traliers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmckBc0aG3M

Currently Listeing to: Nothing.. MY iPod died. My manly pink iPod mini died...



Alright, I decided to share with you one of my favorite Doom Metal albums of all time. This monolith of sound crushes your eardrums not to mention your very soul with monstrous riffs. My favorite songs are between Funeralopolis and Dopethrone, but in reality the whole album features amazing songs. Funeralopolis tells of a world inhabited by the undead. It starts in with this slow creepy plodding bass line, reminding one of the undead stagger of a zombie. The song is around 8 or 9 minutes, which may sound long to some, but in all reality the Wizard knows what they're doing. The music builds upon itself until it becomes a wall of grooving sound
The album artwork really foreshadows what lies within. Drug references and Satanic imagry are plentiful in this entire bands catalog, exspecially this album. Lead singer and guitarist, Jus Osbourn claims to be influenced from watching old horror movies while in an inebriated state of mind. Dopethrone set the standard for modern Doom Metal. Released in 2000, this record mixes doom metal with stoner rock and other phsycodellic elements. The vocals are somewhat barried under layers of phaser and chorusy reverb and whatever else they wanted to throw into the mix. The guitars are tuned lower than most any other form of music, A# which is about 6 steps down from standard E tuning. This gives the guitars and bass a very elastic rubbery feel, which adds an element of creepiness. The bass is often distorted as well, creating a wall of dark heavy sound. The drums are loud and almost messy without being offbeat, often it almost sounds like a cave man is back there on the kit, but it works. All of these elements come together to create this dark crazy groove. I would highly reccomend this to people, but I feel the average metal head wouldn't be interested, and fans of Doom Metal already worship this album. So take it as such, and if any of this peaks your interest, Check it out.
Dopethrone - Rise Above Records

1. "Vinum Sabbathi" – 3:06
2. "Funeralopolis" – 8:43
3. "Weird Tales" – 15:04
I. "Electric Frost"
II. "Golgotha"
III. "Altar of Melektaus"
4."Barbarian" – 6:29
5."I, the Witchfinder" – 11:04
6."The Hills Have Eyes" – 0:46
7."We Hate You" – 5:08
8."Dopethrone" – 10:35