
Laney HCM30R - One kickass Practice Amp

I recently decided to pick up a practice amp, because I've been beating the shit out of an old bass guitar amp and it began to sound like I had a blanket over my amp or something, It was so muffled and the speaker is about to pop one of these days. I hit up a local pawn shop on the other side of town, I hadn't been there in a few months so I figured they'd get some new stock in and stuff ya know. This place always has tons of amps for cheap from like Waterloo or some place. They ship all their extra gear down here and try to jack up prices. Luckily for me they're having a sale [most likely because of the recession] and much to my surprise I glanced down at a Laney amplifier logo. This was an insane find because they only made this model in England, and it's very rare to find Laney amps in pawn shops, usually you can see a one or two in a music shop, and Guitar Center doesn't carry them [or anything else worth a shit].

Well this little deal would have been crazily amazing, but some moron took a sharpie to the N in Laney, and so my amp at the moment.. Is a Larey. It looks completly stupid.. I've tried everything to get the ink off this thing... It's kind of funny though so I might just have to leave it. Laney amplifiers have a perfect hard rock crunch and tone, and are the amplifiers of choice for the legendary Tony Iommi. I can dial in his sound almost perfectly with this little 30 watt solid state monster. It's still got the driver in it from like.. 1996 when this thing was made.. That's like 12 years ago.. And it sounds killer.

So to make this even crazier I was able to pick up this little monster...for only [drum roll]


These things sell for atleast $200 anywhere else, but this somewhat shady pawn shop totally gave me a good deal. They've got tons of other gear laying around too, So I think i'll refer anyone else seeking used amplification to this place, because they had much larger much louder amps just chillin around for just under $150.00 - $200.00, And most of these in my opinion were upwards of 300 to 500 dollar amps and heads when they were new.

Keep on Rockin

- Currently Jammin to: House on the Boarderlands - Electric Wizard

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