
We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx

(pardon my language.)

Dude. Rush is the shit. I don't care what anyone says. I recently popped in my 2112 cassette and jammed that shit out. It's a great experience. You don't have to to worry about shit, and it just plays the whole side for you so you can just sit back and jam to that shit.

Which brings me to a good rant. Music's become all computerized in the past decade and taken all the ritual out of music listening. 30 years back you got this giant dinner plate sized vinyl that would shatter if dropped and such. This made music so much more physically valuable because it was much more fragile. Vinyl wears out. You put that needle down and it brings every pop and snap into your speakers and eardrums.

Now you click on your ipod and play one song off an album and are completly without the cover art. What kinda bullshit is that? I mean seriously, no one even cares about what's on the album cover anymore. It used to be like a piece of art you'd wanna hang on your wall, or atleast some kinda statement.

Now any hard rock album cover you see is like skulls and features this uninventive middle aged obsession with trying to look like a biker. Unfortunatly a good portion of my generation doesn't understand jack shit about any of this and listens to Nickleback, and sputters forth sentance fragments like LOL or WHATS A DEEP PURPLE? OMGz.

God i hate Iowa..

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