

Alright, I decided to share with you one of my favorite Doom Metal albums of all time. This monolith of sound crushes your eardrums not to mention your very soul with monstrous riffs. My favorite songs are between Funeralopolis and Dopethrone, but in reality the whole album features amazing songs. Funeralopolis tells of a world inhabited by the undead. It starts in with this slow creepy plodding bass line, reminding one of the undead stagger of a zombie. The song is around 8 or 9 minutes, which may sound long to some, but in all reality the Wizard knows what they're doing. The music builds upon itself until it becomes a wall of grooving sound
The album artwork really foreshadows what lies within. Drug references and Satanic imagry are plentiful in this entire bands catalog, exspecially this album. Lead singer and guitarist, Jus Osbourn claims to be influenced from watching old horror movies while in an inebriated state of mind. Dopethrone set the standard for modern Doom Metal. Released in 2000, this record mixes doom metal with stoner rock and other phsycodellic elements. The vocals are somewhat barried under layers of phaser and chorusy reverb and whatever else they wanted to throw into the mix. The guitars are tuned lower than most any other form of music, A# which is about 6 steps down from standard E tuning. This gives the guitars and bass a very elastic rubbery feel, which adds an element of creepiness. The bass is often distorted as well, creating a wall of dark heavy sound. The drums are loud and almost messy without being offbeat, often it almost sounds like a cave man is back there on the kit, but it works. All of these elements come together to create this dark crazy groove. I would highly reccomend this to people, but I feel the average metal head wouldn't be interested, and fans of Doom Metal already worship this album. So take it as such, and if any of this peaks your interest, Check it out.
Dopethrone - Rise Above Records

1. "Vinum Sabbathi" – 3:06
2. "Funeralopolis" – 8:43
3. "Weird Tales" – 15:04
I. "Electric Frost"
II. "Golgotha"
III. "Altar of Melektaus"
4."Barbarian" – 6:29
5."I, the Witchfinder" – 11:04
6."The Hills Have Eyes" – 0:46
7."We Hate You" – 5:08
8."Dopethrone" – 10:35

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