

Alright for all you classic rock fans, I bet most of you started diggin on Wolfmother when they came out a few years back. They had quite the classical sound but, were unfortunatly over hyped and fell apart after only a few releases.

Well theres another great band out by the name of Witchcraft. They have a Led Zeppelin kinda feel and definatly have recreated authentic 70's hippie rock. I've been listening to some of their stuff recently, and I'd say if you liked Wolfmother you'll like these guys. They're a bit less keyboard, but much cooler in my opinion. They've done Ozzfest and stuff, but still kinda kept under the radar. They're on the same label [Rise Above Records] as Electric Wizard and many other great stoner rock kinda groups. Check out the label and this band.

Currently Jammin to: Wooden Cross - Witchcraft

Keep rockin!

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